Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lifestyles of Gentlemen Anglers

So, Fishermen can't fish all the time. It is an unfortunate reality. However, I find that dedicated fishermen cultivate a deeply organized and adventurous lifestyle. There is something that fly-fishing does to a man that creates a peaceful approach to living. They are comfortable expanding their minds and seeking the next challenge. My favorite aspect of meeting other Piscators, is that they are generally skilled conversationalists. A practice that I find great pleasure within. It may be the period of forced introversion on the river. Or, it may be the process of developing beautiful lies to recite at the pub. But, in any event, it is a wonderful pastime. We fishermen are very forgiving when it comes to listening to apparent falsehoods. If they have been artfully crafted and laced with truth, we smile, nod, and laugh when they wrap it up.

There is an unspoken rule that exaggeration is acceptable. I remember when my Grandad taught me how to tell fishing stories. It went sort of like this:

"Ben, you need to work on your stories. We expect a little embellishment. Shoot, we crave it! We want to be there with you. We want to feel the pulse of the rod and hear the wind sing over your line. Tell us what you were feeling inside and what you were thinking. How did you plan the landing of that trout around the jagged rock. You can lie. It's just part of the story. Definitely grow that fish by at least 10%. But if you exaggerate by more than 40% understand than you're a no good lying son-of-a-gun. 10-40%, that's the threshold of exaggeration. But if your option is a good story or staying under that 40%, tell a good story!"

I think, when it comes to living, it is healthy to be an artful storyteller. To enthrall folks with adventures and breathe a little joy into their day. So get after it! Craft a grand story and remember to listen to your buddy's!

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